I am a Year 6 student at Panmure Bridge School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Learning Space 1 and my teachers are Mr Wong and Mr Ogilive.
Thursday, 19 December 2019
SLJ Task 12
L.I to help others when they meet something new. For task 12 we had to make a brochure that would help people that go to other countries. On the brochure had to be things to do at the island. A brochure is a poster that is smaller, less photos, more text and is easy to put in you pocket.
summer learning journey
SLJ Task 11
L.I to learn about Muhammad Ali. For task 12 we learnt that Mahatma Ali Changed his name since he changed his name for this task we had the choice to change our name to anything I would change my name to Isaiah because it is the name of my favorite basketball player Isaiah Thomas.
summer learning journey
SLJ Task 10
L.I to learn about Venus and Serena Williams. For task 10 we had to watch a video about Serena and Venus Williams. They both play tennis. We had to find three facts that we learned that was in the video. Facts about the sisters: Venus William won Wimbledon in 2005. Serena Williams wanted equal pay and play for both women and men. Serena has won $80 000 000, Winning 23 grand slams.
summer learning journey
SLJ Task 9
summer learning journey
SLJ Task 8
summer learning journey
Wednesday, 18 December 2019
SLJ Task 7
summer learning journey
Tuesday, 17 December 2019
SLJ Task 6
L.I to be more brave. For task 6 we were to write a paragraph on one thing that we or someone we know that did something brave. Going on the fear fall was scary. I wrote about the time that I went on the fear fall at rainbow ends.
summer learning journey
SLJ Task 5
summer learning journey
SLJ Task 4
summer learning journey
Monday, 16 December 2019
SLJ Task 3
summer learning journey
SLJ Task 2
L.I to look back at how we got here. For task 2 we had to talk about our cultural background. We had to use a google map and tag the places where your family comes. from. I am from Samoa. My mum comes comes from __ and my dad comes from Vailima which are villages that are in Samoa. My dad told me that when European came to Samoa they wanted the land. The chiefs from villages didn't like them so they made a group. They stopped the Europeans from taking over Samoa. I am thankful for where I come from.
summer learning journey
Summer Learning Journey
L.I to learn what things we can take on boats. For the first activity we had to research about perishable and non perishable food. Researching the meaning of this helps us with finding food that we can last and take on a boat rip. We had to imagine that we were one of the people that sailed the sea with Nanoa. Nainoa Thompson has used the ancient Polynesian way finding skills to navigate around the world. In 2013, Nainoa led a crew across the Pacific Ocean on two large canoes. In 2015 Nainoa and his crew had arrived at Aotearoa (New Zealand). They journeyed and visited the Manaiakalani Schools in Auckland.
summer learning journey
Wednesday, 11 December 2019
Fraction of sets
L.I to explain and teach how to divide fraction of sets. Dividing fractions of sets is what we did and learnt. We learnt how to divide sets of fraction. We then learnt how to divide sets of fractions using different numbers. I will now explain how to find the unit fraction of a set. I must divide the objects into the number of groups.
Fraction of sets,
The witches follow ups
L.I to Novel study the witches.
LINK to all my work.
For reading we are doing a novel study on Roald Dahl books. I have had to read up to chapter 22 which is the end of the book for this week. For novel study I was reading the withes. For the witches we had to do different activities. I was to do all the task til the our follow ups were all finished.
LINK to all my work.
For reading we are doing a novel study on Roald Dahl books. I have had to read up to chapter 22 which is the end of the book for this week. For novel study I was reading the withes. For the witches we had to do different activities. I was to do all the task til the our follow ups were all finished.
Novel time,
Roald Dahl
L.I to learn about Maori number. For Maori we were learning about numbers in maori. We were starting with the big number that go up to million.
Kiwi Can
This was our final week for kiwi can. We started off with recapping with the topics we learnt and did this term. This term we were learning about: integrity, resilience, respect and positive relationship. We had to tell him the meaning of all the topics. This was fun day so we got to play games. The games we played were: hot potato, musical cones, color coordination, piddy piddy bop, and Simon says. All these games were hard but fun. We had points that we get through the term and we won but they said that the other class did.
Kiwi can
Thursday, 5 December 2019
The Reverse Curse Hook
LI To identify the parts of a Narrative
LI To investigate figurative language
LI To investigate figurative language
A hook in writing is a paragraph that is really interesting that captures the readers attention. This is my hook for my writing. We had planned about our writing and then we had to start our writing with a hook is has to be interesting or it is not a hook.
L.I to find and get legal images. This week we had to make a DLO that is not a poster. I did a interactive poster with my partner. We had to make a DLO about legal images because we are learning about how to know and how to find legal images.
Cyber Smart,
Kiwi Sport
L.I to play singles. We played rally's. We played in singles. We started with challenging each other to see who will be the champions. It was normal rules. Thsi time the challenger will serve the ball in. This time we had one point. Then we start to play. We then had our three champions and one more challenger. It was me. two other girls and one boy. We learnt to keep our hits gentle and to make our aim better. We had to make sure that we hit the ball to the corners to make the opponent run side to side and then get tired.
Wednesday, 4 December 2019
Kiwi Can
THis week is the last proper week before it is fun week. This week we were talking about difference and about respecting how other people are. We can respect others that are, disabled or have allergies by helping them when they need something or to watch out for them. Not all people can eat animals or things that come from animals and they are vegans. We can help them by giving them the food they need and asking for what sort of things that goes into the food.
Kiwi can
L.I to learn about time in Maori. For maori we were learning about time in maori. We had to tranlate the maori time language into english. We had played a game that helps us with our maori time language. Its like rock, paper, scissors but you use paper and count how many fingers that you put out but in maori.
Tuesday, 3 December 2019
The Witches / character description
L.I to Novel study the witches.
For reading we are doing a novel study on Roald Dahl books. I have had to read up to chapter 19 for this week. For novel study I was reading the withes. For the witches we had to do different activities. I have done a newspaper about witches in England. I have had to talk about his personality.
Roald Dahl
Fraction of sets
L.I to explain and teach how to divide fraction of sets. Dividing fractions of sets is what we did and learnt. We learnt how to divide sets of fraction. We then learnt how to divide sets of fractions using different numbers. I will now explain how to find the unit fraction of a set. I must divide the objects into the number of groups.
Fraction of sets,
Friday, 29 November 2019
L. to sell frames. For our business topic we were making photo frames. We are making a business and then selling our frames. We have voted on the logo and name that we are going to be identity as. We had to think of a theme and we had to make a photo frame. This is my finished product.
Just frame it
L.I to sell frames. For our business topic we were making photo frames. We are making a business and then selling our frames. We have voted on the logo and name that we are going to be identity as. We had to think of a theme and we had to make a photo frame. This is my finished product.
Thursday, 28 November 2019
Kiwi Sport
LI. to play doubles tennis.
We played rally's. We played in pairs. We started with challenging each other to see who will be the champions. It was normal rules. Coach Peter served the ball in. Then we start to play. We then had our two champions. It was me and my partner and the other pair. We learnt to keep our hits gentle and to make our aim better.
Athletics cluster day
For atheltics we had the cluster day. We started off with the 400 meter sprints. After the sprints we moved on to the boys starting on track events and the girls on field. Some people finished first, second or third. We then switched. I was n the shot put and discus events. I first started on the discus and came second and then for shot put and I came second as well. It was not easy becoming second.
Athletics day
Tuesday, 26 November 2019
Athletics day
For athletics day we played and did some cool sports. We had different color teams. We started at the lilipad gladiator, rob the nest, long jump, sponge relay, softball throw, hula hoop throw, bean bag race, rest, egg & spoon and Frisbee throw out. We then had sausage sizzle for lunch for the people who paid and then had the sprints after lunch.
Athletics day
Monday, 25 November 2019
Coffee shop
L.I to learn more about the structure of making a business. For inquiry we played a game. The game was about making your own coffee shop and then making the most money that you can make in 14 days. We then had to find a logo and a name that was going to be our company name and logo for the gala day. We then hda to vote on the best one.
Character and setting description
L.I to investigate figurative language. We had to pick a setting and characters and describe them. We had to get into our groups and come up with a male and female characters. We then had to come up with a setting. Then we had to describe the characters. We then had to write the eVents but we do the solution as a group.
Friday, 22 November 2019
Paper Plane Measurements
LI: to use statistical and scientific methods to study the effect of wing span and area on lift.
We measured flight distance of our different planes that had different wingspan measurements. We recorded the flight distance. We to throw our planes 10 times and then we had to find the average for our flight distance. We then had to make a graph.
Thursday, 21 November 2019
The Witches / Newspaper
L.I to Novel study the witches.
For reading we are doing a novel study on Roald Dahl books. I have had to read up to chapter 19 for this week. For novel study I was reading the withes. For the witches we had to do different activities. I have done a newspaper about witches in England. I have had to talk about his personality.
For reading we are doing a novel study on Roald Dahl books. I have had to read up to chapter 19 for this week. For novel study I was reading the withes. For the witches we had to do different activities. I have done a newspaper about witches in England. I have had to talk about his personality.
Roald Dahl
Wednesday, 20 November 2019
Kiwi Can
L.I to work on our patience. For kiwi can we were learning about how to be patience. We started off with our energizer which was Grab it. We had to patient in this game. We had to get with a partner and we had to sit across from them. We then had to put one hand out flat like a plate and the other hand on the other persons hand that is flat like a plate and when one person says a word then you have to grab the fingers in your hand. Some people in the game will be impatient and just grab the finger and this helps with patience.
Kiwi can
L.I to learn about how to use a poi. This week we were learning how to use a poi. This is an instrument, weapon and other things. Mostly ladies use the poi. We learnt how to grip the poi properly and how to swing it. We had to follow the instruction while doing it to the song. We also learnt some new words as we learnt how to use a poi. We had to use our weak hand as well to do the tasks. We then went onto doing a work sheet that we had to translate words.
Friday, 15 November 2019
SSR Selfie
L.I to read and summarize a story.
For SSR Selfie we had to read a book and retell what had happened and what the topic was about. We then had to take a selfie with the book and blog about it. The book I chose was the witches.
For SSR Selfie we had to read a book and retell what had happened and what the topic was about. We then had to take a selfie with the book and blog about it. The book I chose was the witches.
SSR Selfie
Paper plane recording sheet
LI: to use statistical and scientific methods to study the effect of wing span and area on lift.
We measured flight distance of our different planes that had different wingspan measurements. We recorded the flight distance. The type of graph we made was a scatter chart. We had to put onto a scatter chart. One person threw the planes and they had to be consistent. We used a trend-line is the line that shows how high or low the results are. We had some mistakes because some planes are not as close as the other planes. The reason could be that the plane was thrown too hard or too soft or that it was not folded correctly. My interpretation is that as the wingspan gets bigger the flight distance increases.
L.I to learn about the serving tactic. For kiwi sport we were learning about how to serve properly. We had to first use our hand to throw the ball like shot put for it to hit the cones. This was hard but once you keep you get better. We had played a rally where we can only hit the ball in the air and we could only serve the ball we cant have rallys.
Setting description
L.I to learn more about the structure of making a business. For inquiry a business lady came to our class and taught us about what goes into making a business. Her name is Micheal. She also talked to us about how long and how much money it takes to create a business and brand. She taught us that she inspired by the climate change that is happening around the world. She had told us that 1/3 of food produced is wasted every year and it is mostly bread. 20 million loaves of bread wasted in NZ a year. After she shown us her add and what her business is about. Her business is a service business. She has an app that locates the closest eatery's near you. Her business is called Food print which means an environmental impact of food and the amount of carbon dioxide produced, if the food is organic, and if it is local. Food print is an app that makes food at lower prices instead of wasting oversupply when demand has been lowering.
Roald Dahl
L.I to Novel study the witches.
For reading we are doing a novel study on Roald Dahl books. I have had to read up to chapter 16 for this week. For novel study I was reading the withes. For the witches we had to do different activities. I have done an author study about Roald Dahl. I have had to talk about his personality.
For reading we are doing a novel study on Roald Dahl books. I have had to read up to chapter 16 for this week. For novel study I was reading the withes. For the witches we had to do different activities. I have done an author study about Roald Dahl. I have had to talk about his personality.
Roald Dahl
Thursday, 14 November 2019
Friday, 8 November 2019
Supply & Demand
LI: to learn Supply and Demand
Supply is how much there is available of the product. If the supplies price increases the company will make or build more of the product for the people. Demand is how much of the product people want. If the price increases, not as much people want it. Our task was to make a slide explaning Supply and Demand. We then played a game which was called "I Supply, You Demand". Basically we were a company and we had to make money by picking an amount of stock and choosing the price of the product.
Venn Diagram Witches
L.I to Novel study the witches.
For reading we are doing a novel study on Roald Dahl books. For novel study I was reading the withes. For the witches we had to do different activities. I have done the character venn diagram for the grand high witch, boy and the grandmother. I had to say what their personality's are and what they are like.
For reading we are doing a novel study on Roald Dahl books. For novel study I was reading the withes. For the witches we had to do different activities. I have done the character venn diagram for the grand high witch, boy and the grandmother. I had to say what their personality's are and what they are like.
Roald Dahl
Paper Plane Task
LI: to use statistical and scientific methods to study the effect of wing span and area on lift.
We had to make 12 planes of the same plane but we have had to change one variable. A variable is a feature of an object that can change between different versions of the object. For example: some variables in chairs could be height, width, depth, weight, materials, strength, colour. An independent variable is unchanged by other variables. These are usually controlled in experiments to see if they make changes in other variables. We had to decide which independent variable to change to measure the dependent variable. We had to create a spreadsheet to record variables and results. We also had to create planes with measured variations in your chosen independent variable
We had to make 12 planes of the same plane but we have had to change one variable. A variable is a feature of an object that can change between different versions of the object. For example: some variables in chairs could be height, width, depth, weight, materials, strength, colour. An independent variable is unchanged by other variables. These are usually controlled in experiments to see if they make changes in other variables. We had to decide which independent variable to change to measure the dependent variable. We had to create a spreadsheet to record variables and results. We also had to create planes with measured variations in your chosen independent variable
Figurative Examples
Figurative Language,
Touch Rugby 2019
For inter school we had touch rugby. When we walked to the field team A and year 6 team played their first game. I was in the A team. We first went up against Tamaki primary school. We won by 2 tries. Our next game was against Pt England. We drew 2 all. We then had a rest. After we played Panmure district. We won 3 Nile. Our next game was against Glen brae and we won. We went against other schools as well. For our last game we went up against another Pt England team. This was to see who came first. Unfortunately we lost 4-1. Out of all of that we came second. We had a lot of fun.
Thursday, 7 November 2019
Kiwi Sport
L.I to volley in Tennis. For kiwi sport we were learning about how to volley. We had to keep the ball in the air by hitting it. This was hard but once you keep you get better. We had played a rally where we can only hit the ball in the air and it cant touch or bounce on the floor.
Kiwi Can
L.I to respect others and using respectful communication. For kiwi can we were learning about respectful communication. We played games that help us communicate respectfully to each other. The game we played was animal choir. We had to sing in groups using the animal that we are. Like for example if you were the tiger group then you had to go, "tiger tiger roar, tiger tiger roar, tiger, tiger roar, roar, roar." This game helped us communicate with each other to sing on time and to do it right. We then talked more about respectful communication.
Kiwi can
Friday, 1 November 2019
Goods and servies
L.I to learn about what are goods and what are services. This week we had to divide the companies into Goods & Services. When we divided the companies into Goods and Services, we had to make them into smaller groups. For example a food company would be in Goods, so then you would make a food category under Goods. So we then had to record the groups into a sheet. We then put the groups onto a piece of paper.
Plane Diagram
LI: to use statistical and scientific methods to study the effect of wing span and area on lift.
We had to make one of two planes. We had to first know how to make it so the teacher taught us. The first plane was the sky tower which is the tall one and the other plane was called Chris because its short. We had to pick one to study on. I chose the sky tower. We then had to make it. We had to then measure the parts of the plane. We had to measure the fuselage, wingspan and wing area. We then had to make a diagram of the plane and the part and measurements.
Thursday, 31 October 2019
Character web / The Witches
For reading we are doing a novel study on Roald Dahl books. For novel study I was reading the withes. For the witches we had to do different activities. I have done the character web for the grand high witch. I had to say what her personality, how she acts, how she feels and how she looks.
Roald Dahl
Figurative Language
LI To investigate figurative language. For writing we were learning about figurative language. Figurative language means like literal things and figurative things. We had to also learn about: similes, metaphors, personification, hyperbole and understatement. We then did a quiz on the things we had learnt. We then had to make a quiz that has the meanings of what we learnt and it had to be different to the quiz we did. We learnt how metaphors can be and others.
Figurative Language,
L.I to learn the basic grip on a Tennis racket. For Kiwi sport we had Tennis. Our Tennis coach was Peter. He helped us through the way. We first played a warm up where we had to get into a pairs and one person has to drop a tennis ball onto the other persons hand. Their hand has to be flipped under and when the ball is dropped the person has to flip their hand over and catch. This warms our reactions for when we get onto the court. We then talked about forehand and backhand. When we are holding the tennis racket, if you are right handed then with backhand you put your right hand at the bottom of the racket and if you are left handed then you put your left hand at the bottom. We learnt the two techniques so that we could had a rally with each other.
Legal and Illegal
LI: to understand legal use of images.
For cyber smart we were learning about legal and illegal. We talked about how you can find legal images and illegal images. You can find legal images by looking at the license. We had to find two sites that let you have free images that you can share and use. We then looked for illegal images. We then looked at the licence and wrote the definitions of legal images and illegal images.
Cyber Smart,
Wednesday, 30 October 2019
L.I to learn about Maori . For Maori we were learning about how to speak Maori and say Maori words. We had to do the work sheet that is about gods and we have to guess what they are god of. We then had to translate the words that the people said in the scenes. From Maori to English. We then had to do 2 work sheets one is translating words and translating phrases.
Kiwi Can
L.I to respect our self and others. We started off with the energizer which was where we had to Get into little groups and one person has to go and get the instructions from the teacher. The person that was leader had to rotate Around through different people. This game linked to leadership and how we can work as a team. Then we played our activity which was tangle where we had to get into two groups and we had to get into a circle and hold peoples hands of people that are not next to you. We then talked about what strengths and weakness's we have which means what we are good at and what we are not good at.

Kiwi can
Friday, 25 October 2019
L.I to prepare our self for the test. For writing we had to write a recount of one time we won a final. We then had to remark our own writing. This was preparing us for the real test. We then had to rate our own writing and highlight the words and sentences that we would change if we had to chance to. We then got feed back from the teacher on our writing.
L.I to prepare our self for testing. For inquiry we had to sort a group of companies. Into groups like foods and clothing. We first had to split the our group of eight in half because we had to see what one half of the group would put the companies in group and the other half. We then had to show the other half of the group of what we put the companies in.
Graphic Novel
For reading we are reading graphic novels. We are reading Roald Dahl books. I am reading the witches and when we are finished reading we need to remember where to start again when we read again. So we made bookmarks for us to remember where to start reading again.
Novel time,
SSR Selfie
L.I to read and summarize a story.
For SSR Selfie we had to read a book and retell what had happened and what the topic was about. We then had to take a selfie with the book and blog about it. The book I chose was the witches.
For SSR Selfie we had to read a book and retell what had happened and what the topic was about. We then had to take a selfie with the book and blog about it. The book I chose was the witches.
SSR Selfie
Thursday, 24 October 2019
Kiwi Can
L.I to respect our self and others. We started off with the energizer which was VS. VS is a game where someone gives us a choice of one thing or the other. We then had to chose the thing we like best and explain why we like it. This game linked to our self and what is unique about our self. This also links to our personality because our personality is what makes us ourselves. Then we played our activity which was Might vs Wisdom. In this activity we had been split into two groups. One group went to the library with Miss Mac and the other group stayed with Mr Simani. Miss Mac's group had to work in little teams to figure out the right answer to the brain tenser she told us. The other group had to three challenges where they had to get into little teams and all stand wth their back into the middle and then sit without falling or moving. Then they had to do the same thing but facing the inside. Then they all had to face one way and all sit down at the same time.
Kiwi can
Wednesday, 23 October 2019
Maori / Wiki : Kotahi
L.I to learn about Maori. For Maori we were learning about how to speak Maori and say Maori words. We had to do the work sheet that is about gods and we have to guess what they are god of. We then had to translate the words that the people said in the scenes. From Maori to English. We then had to do 2 work sheets one is translating words and translating phrases.
Tuesday, 22 October 2019
Math Vocab
L.I to research. We had to find the definitions of words and functions that relate to the topic. We had to t find the meaning of the words and how they function. We had to also predict what the topic was going to be about using the meanings of the words. The topic is about making origami planes and aerodynamics.
Building Vocabulary,
Friday, 18 October 2019
L.I to help others with their blog post by commenting what they should work on. For commenting we have to comment on peoples blog post and comment. Commenting helps people with making their blog post better. You should always say things in a nice way so the person doesn't take your feedback as something else.
Basic facts boxes
L.I to remember basic maths facts.
For basic facts we have to time our self and do a challenge which is either, Speed Demon or Brain box. We have to do the challenges up to: five, ten and twenty.
For basic facts we have to time our self and do a challenge which is either, Speed Demon or Brain box. We have to do the challenges up to: five, ten and twenty.
Basic facts boxes
SSR Selfie
L.I to summarie and retell a text.
For SSR Selfie we have to read a book for fifteen minutes and then summarise the book. We have to take a selfie with he book that we are reading. I am reading Diary of a wimpy kid old school.
For SSR Selfie we have to read a book for fifteen minutes and then summarise the book. We have to take a selfie with he book that we are reading. I am reading Diary of a wimpy kid old school.
SSR Selfie
LI - Build knowledge of vocabulary, and links words create to the wider world. For reading we were making a game on rap and poetry. We had to pick lyrics from a song and a poem and see if people can guess. People have to guess which on e is a poem and which one is rap. We then had to use a vocab builder to build people vocab and for them to learn new things. We use words and have to fill the builder in for what it means and other.
LLI: to define & describe the terms enterprise and business
Enterprise meaning online is "a project or undertaking, especially a bold or complex one". Which means to agree on a project or some work. Business's meaning online is "a person's regular occupation, profession or trade". Which means a person's job. We first started on with an activity. We had the word Enterprise. We had to guess what the meaning of Enterprise meant in our groups. We did the same thing with the word Business. We then in our groups had to put in our definitions of Enterprise & Business, and put it aside with the real definition. We then had to get a bunch of business's, local, national, and international. We then had to write down what they sell, and their price range.
Enterprise meaning online is "a project or undertaking, especially a bold or complex one". Which means to agree on a project or some work. Business's meaning online is "a person's regular occupation, profession or trade". Which means a person's job. We first started on with an activity. We had the word Enterprise. We had to guess what the meaning of Enterprise meant in our groups. We did the same thing with the word Business. We then in our groups had to put in our definitions of Enterprise & Business, and put it aside with the real definition. We then had to get a bunch of business's, local, national, and international. We then had to write down what they sell, and their price range.
Lotto winner
L.I to revise the structure of a recount and re-firm the marking criteria. For writing we had to write a imaginative recount about winning the lotto and spending it all till the last cent. Once we had finished we had to mark our own writing and give our recount to an other person for them to mark it. We had mark our writing with the seven criteria. we had to give points from 3 to 5 for the writing points. The seven criteria are: Ideas, S&L, Organization, Vocab, Spelling, Punctuation and Sentence structure.
Thursday, 17 October 2019
Math recap
L.I: to recall core skills and knowledge for addition, subtraction, multiplication, fractions, and place value. In math we are doing a recap on our core skills and knowledge for addition, subtraction, multiplication, fractions, and place value. We had played a game that involved math. We played Scattergories where we had to list as many ways of getting to the number for example: 6 is the number so we have to add number to make 6. We did: Adding time, subtracting time, adding decimals, subtracting decimals, times table, grouping, sharing, calculating perimeter, calculating area and fractions. We had to use different methods or strategies to get bonus points and bonus points for the correct answer.
Place value,
Wednesday, 16 October 2019
L.I to learn Maori. For Maori we were learning about how to speak Maori and say Maori words. We then learn about Nga Atua the gods and what they did. We then had to translate the words that the people said in the scenes. From Maori to English. We had then had to a Kupu where we had to put the meaning that we think it is for Maori.
Kiwi Can Term 4
L.I to respect our self and others. It is Niuean language week and we were talking about facts and what is special about Niue. We started with greeting kiwi can with the Niuean greeting. We then started talking about facts about Niue. We went onto the energizer which was fruity tutti. We had to listen to the instruction that Mr Simani gave us. The three instructions were: apple (jump forward), orange (jump back), and banana (180 jump). The activity was 1 truth 1 lie. Where we had to find the truth and win but if you find the lie then you lose. We then talked about ways that we can respect people and respect our self. We can by sleeping, smiling, showering and others.
Thursday, 26 September 2019
L.I. To learn water safety.
For Kiwi sport it was the last week. For today we got to wear the life jackets. We first put the life jackets on and we did our safe entry into the water. We first had to swim to the wall and get into a group. We had to grab each other's life jacket and lay on our back. This was a chain pose and we had to move our feet to push us to the other side and back. We then had to get into a circle holding each other's life jacket and then let the smallest person into the middle so that the other people can keep the small person warm. The other way of doing this if you are alone is to tuck your knees into your chest and then use your arms to tight your legs to your chest. This is the HELP pose. HELP stands for Heat, Escape, Lessening, Pose. Lastly we did our pencil entry. We had to put one hand behind our head and the other on our shoulder using one foot to step into the water. We all had to do it and then we jumped into the water and then high five the instructors as we are jumping in. We then had to shower with the life jacket and put them away. I felt great and happy.
For Kiwi sport it was the last week. For today we got to wear the life jackets. We first put the life jackets on and we did our safe entry into the water. We first had to swim to the wall and get into a group. We had to grab each other's life jacket and lay on our back. This was a chain pose and we had to move our feet to push us to the other side and back. We then had to get into a circle holding each other's life jacket and then let the smallest person into the middle so that the other people can keep the small person warm. The other way of doing this if you are alone is to tuck your knees into your chest and then use your arms to tight your legs to your chest. This is the HELP pose. HELP stands for Heat, Escape, Lessening, Pose. Lastly we did our pencil entry. We had to put one hand behind our head and the other on our shoulder using one foot to step into the water. We all had to do it and then we jumped into the water and then high five the instructors as we are jumping in. We then had to shower with the life jacket and put them away. I felt great and happy.
Rugby Profile
LI: to apply our inquiry, literacy and numeracy skills to learn about the Rugby World Cup
For this activity we had to pick Rugby Player from the Rugby World Cup and we had to make a profile on them. Like when they were born, their height, weight, their position. We also had to put a picture in and some facts about them.The player we picked was Sonny Bill Williams. He is a former New Zealand boxer and former league player.
Places to visit in Japan
L.I: apply inquiry, literacy and numeracy skills to learn about the RWC.
We are doing a Rugby World Cup Challenge. We had to use our reading, writing, and maths skills to complete the task. Our task was to pick five places in Japan we really wanted to visit. We had to add in facts and why we wanted to visit the place. The places we picked were Mt Fuji, Osaka, Tokyo, Sapporo, Kyoto. Mt Fuji is the tallest point in Japan. Tokyo is the capital of Japan and the city alone is 3 times bigger than New Zealand. Sapporo is the largest city on hokkaido island. Kyoto is the largest city in japan and Osaka was once the capital of Japan
Vein Diagram / Japan & New Zealand
L.I: apply inquiry, literacy and numeracy skills to learn about the RWC.
We are doing a Rugby World Cup Challenge. We had to use our reading, writing, and maths skills to complete the task. The task was to find the differences between New Zealand and Japan and what they both have in common. We learnt New things as we researched about New Zealand and Japan. I have found out that Japan is made up of 6,852 islands.
We are doing a Rugby World Cup Challenge. We had to use our reading, writing, and maths skills to complete the task. The task was to find the differences between New Zealand and Japan and what they both have in common. We learnt New things as we researched about New Zealand and Japan. I have found out that Japan is made up of 6,852 islands.
Wednesday, 25 September 2019
Rube Goldburg Machine
LI: to make a working Rube Goldberg machine using the six simple machines
LI: To make a working rube Goldberg machine by using the 6 simple machines.
Over the past weeks, in groups LS1 had to make a Rube Golderg machine, We used the 6 simple machines. Wheel and axle, Lever, Incline plane, Pulley, Screw & wedge had to be included. The challenges were turning a Chromebook on, helping Mr Wong roll dice and hitting a putter. Our scenario was turning on the Chromebook.
On the last week our group had managed to get the machine finish. We used four different types of simple machines a wheel and axle, pulley, incline plane and a lever. For the wheel and axle we used a car. For the Pulley we used a string from a yo-yo and latches from the window. For the incline plane we used a marble roll down a ramp. And used the dominoes as the lever.
The most challenging task was creating the machines and trying to apply the 6 simple machines and communicating with our group to know what is going on and how we could help. I'd change another way of putting dominoes up without it falling because we always had to keep putting it up. And the amount of sellotape we used.
Rube Goldburg
Tuesday, 24 September 2019
Rugby positions
L.I: apply inquiry, literacy and numeracy skills to learn about the RWC.
We are doing a Rugby World Cup Challenge. We had to use our reading, writing, and maths skills to complete the task. The task is to match what the player position is. We then wrote some information about them and about what their position does. We have also made the position layout of where each player is. We searched up facts about them and found some amazing records that players have made.
Rugby Events
L.I: apply inquiry, literacy and numeracy skills to learn about the RWC.
We are doing a Rugby World Cup Challenge. We had to use our reading, writing, and maths skills to complete the task. The task was to write down the memory that you liked that was about the Rugby World Cup. We had to do three so each person did one. We had to also add some videos of the highlights of the game, if our favorite memory was about a specific game.
We are doing a Rugby World Cup Challenge. We had to use our reading, writing, and maths skills to complete the task. The task was to write down the memory that you liked that was about the Rugby World Cup. We had to do three so each person did one. We had to also add some videos of the highlights of the game, if our favorite memory was about a specific game.
Monday, 23 September 2019
World time
LI: apply inquiry, literacy and numeracy skills to learn about the RWC.
We are doing a Rugby World Cup Challenge. We had to use our reading, writing, inquiry, and maths skills to complete the task. The task we were doing was to find the kick off time of the finals for different countries. We had to find the USA standard times, New Zealand standard time and other standard time from different countries. The meaning of AM and PM. AM means Anti meridian and PM means Post meridian. AM means before morning and PM means after noon. While researching we learnt that big countries like Australia have different time zones. USA has a western time and eastern time because it is a big country.
Friday, 20 September 2019
LI: to create an advert using the skills and knowledge we know
For the next couple of weeks we are going to be creating Advertisements. A print advert and a television advert. But in the adverts we have to include the critical analysis. Our product was a Thneed. A fictional product from the story "The Lorax". We did a fictional object so we could come up with our own ideas.
Faulty reasoning
LI: to understand faulty reasoning
Faulty reasoning is arguing or talking with someone but your facts or statistics don't make sense or aren't true. There are different types of faulty reasoning: Illogical / simplified Assumption, Circular reasoning, over-generalization, biased argument and contradiction. Meanings are on the slide. We had to read a text and find the faulty reasoning in them and then put them onto the slide.
Faulty reasoning is arguing or talking with someone but your facts or statistics don't make sense or aren't true. There are different types of faulty reasoning: Illogical / simplified Assumption, Circular reasoning, over-generalization, biased argument and contradiction. Meanings are on the slide. We had to read a text and find the faulty reasoning in them and then put them onto the slide.
faulty reasoning,
Wednesday, 18 September 2019
Kiwi Can
L.I to cope with challenges. We learnt how to face our challenges and experience/attempt them. We looked at 3 different types of challenges and wrote about our feelings when we face those challenges. We figured out coping strategies in groups of three. The activity was about getting in groups of three and writing down a plan, and the challenges we want to write about.
Kiwi can
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