For kiwi can we sat down and we played our energizer which was 21. in this game we had to pass the ball round and we just count with out waiting for the person to hold the ball. We did a practice round then we got into the real game. I had been out once because there was only one round. After we sat down in four lines and talked about our new theme. Next we played our activity which is guest the emotions it is when one person has to guest the emotion. We did this in four groups. Last we lined up in two lines and walked to class.
I am a Year 6 student at Panmure Bridge School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Learning Space 1 and my teachers are Mr Wong and Mr Ogilive.
Wednesday, 28 March 2018
Self monitatoring
LI: to self monitor our understanding of a text. For reading we had to write down words that don't go to where they are in a sentence or that don't sound right or words we don't know. I had chosen six as shown on the image. We all had to do this in pairs. We read the article that we read and then write down the words we don't know. My group had to buddy up with Harry Vader.
Google Drive
LI: to organise our files correctly. Today we had to clean all of our drives, for Cyber Smart. If your drive is full then you have to remove or put into the folder's: Writing, Math, Reading, Inquiry, Home learning, Cyber Smart, and LS1 Photos. I have put my kiwi can things into the writing, the kiwi sport as well. You will need to put in folders into other folders to fill up the extra space that is covered. You will also need to put things that are related to others like Art was kind of a inquiry thing so i put it in the inquiry folder. You should organise your drive because it will be full and your computer, laptop, Phone, or iPad will be slow and will be difficult.
Cyber Smart
Tuesday, 27 March 2018
Duffy Assembly
Our Duffy guests today were Tayla Hodson and Matt Johnson. They talked about what they had done to get to where they are right know. So if you don't know who Tayla Hodson is then i will tell you. She is a female that as growing up wanted to ride a BMX because, when she was a little girl, about four, she was looking around her grandpa shed and saw newspapers of her mum and dad. She saw that her mum was a BMX rider and wanted to be like her, so then she did. She asked her grandpa and grand ma if she could get a BMX bike to ride. As she rid on it she was in a race. As she was six she won her first race with a top that she still got. She showed us her top which was pretty cool. Then as she was growing up she was winning lots of trophies. She was also a accountant, commentator, and a interviewer. She also ways wanted to be a lawyer and help sign contracts for sports people. She also use to play Now on to Matt, Matt is a rugby player, he had played rugby league for the Melbourne Stormers. Now he plays rugby union for the Blues. He was wanting to be a PE teacher at a school in the future. They got to where they are now by reading.
Thursday, 22 March 2018
Kiwi Sport
For kiwi sport we were with Ash and she told us that it was going to be the last time to do Soft ball. After we all played a game of softball a similar game to softball. We all got into groups and there were batters and fielder. I was in the team fielder. I never got to grab the ball because one person was grabbing and throwing fast to back stop. Then it was swap time. This time we had a pitcher which was Ash. I had hit it but it didn't go that far so then I only made it to first base. then it was my friends turn to bat and he bat it far so that helped me to get home. Then we did the same thing twice. To finished we summarized what we had learnt though the soft ball week.
For our Cyber Smart we had to write and do what was written all ready on the slides, and the slide was called Device Skills. We also had to Do short cuts so that we know how to do stuff fast.
Cyber Smart
Cricket Games
In cricket we all had to split up into our year levels. After we all had a practice passing the ball. For a while we had to get ready and grab our bags to go play our first game. I was first feeling nervous then I played for the first that was against Pt England School. In the game we were the first to field. While we were fielding we had all bowled, but unfortunately we lost. We had nine people in our team seven boys and two girls. After that we did our team cheer but it didn’t sound right. For the next game we played against Tamaki Primary School. We were the first to batted first in this game. The first batters were Juel and Kaitlyn. After we had to field. We were pretty good at fielding, but we lost the and we didn’t cry or get angry, we just moved forward. Soon we finally had our one hour break and was practicing our batting and bowling. Soon we all played our last games. It was against Stone fields. The first game was hard because they had played and practice cricket before. Soon we had lost and moved on to the next match . For this match we had try our best to win but we had lost, but we had some good hits. Soon we had finished and went on to the bus back to school.
Wednesday, 21 March 2018
Team Motto
LI: To make a motto for your team by using examples of different mottos.
Today I had to work with my group to find our own motto for our emblem. We had to look at different mottos to see how mottos work. We used Bank mottos, Food Mottos, and Shop mottos. We all looked at our emblem and made our motto share it with the world because we all made our talents on our emblem so we could share our talents with everyone.TNS Our team motto is (Share it with the world)
This relates to our team and what our talent is. It is about our knowledge and what we do as a team. We combined our thoughts and put it together as a group. We put all our talents together in the circles that has the colours of our country and called it share it with the world so everyone can see our talents.
Self Monitoring
LI: to monitor our understanding of a text by ourselves. For reading we were learning to do self monitoring. Self monitoring means you know when to stop if you don't know what the word, sentence or paragraph. The self means doing it for your self and by your self. I had learnt by figuring out when to stop to figure the word or sentence out.
Tuesday, 20 March 2018
LI- to show an increasing knowledge of how a range of text conventions can be used appropriately. n writing we had to fix and copy and paste the letter to their places. I have finished and i have written down the definition for the words that are incorrect. The words in the sentences are the word that are correct in the sentences.
Rounding Numbers
L.I to learn that one for ten and ten for one. In math we had to make a DLO showing what we had done with our teacher. We had to do plus and subtract. I did plus. I had done this before last year. We were doing 1.4 and etc. I had some trouble because it was similar to the other one but harder and I was trying my best to finish. I learnt that there are lots of ways to subtract even if you dont like it.
Thursday, 15 March 2018
Team Logo
LI: To create an emblem that relates to our group. Today for inquiry we had to get into groups of 5. In those groups of 5 we had to watch a video about the Pyeongchang emblem and what is means. So our emblem represents the things we like to do and the colors of our circles is the color of our country. Red = Tonga, Blue = Samoa, Yellow = Niue. We had to see the example from the Pyeongchang emblem video. We all thought to do the things we like and our countries colors. We all have something in common. We all love Music, Learning, and Sports. I learnt that if you make a emblem it always has a story behind it like a reason.
Kiwi Sport
For commenting i have commented on Alisha, I have said that he should be adding some writing to the blog to show people that he knew how he did it.
Simple & Compound sentences
L.I. to show an increasing knowledge of how a range of text conventions can be used appropriately. For writing we had to fix simple sentences and compound sentences. We all did not finish them because its hard. It was hard because the sentences were all different and they were difficult. We all did this till Wednesday. I was fixing this and I thought this was helping me with compound sentences. When we had finished the sentences we had to colour in the verb in green, subject blue, and the conjunction pink(only for compound.
Wednesday, 14 March 2018
Kiwi Can
LI to learn to be a leader. Today we did kiwi can, and for kiwi can we sat into four groups. The first we did our energizer, the energizer was paper, scissors, rock. In this game you'll need some people to play and it is when you do paper scissors rock and if you win then you get to be the leader and the person that lose will stand behind you and put their hands on your shoulders and then cheer you on.After we sat down in four lines and talked about what is a leader and how a leader is. Then we did played a game called march. It is when you just tell one person to do an action then they do it and the rest of the group will try to guess. after that we just did our GKQ and then left.
Kiwi can
Tuesday, 13 March 2018
LI: to make and check predictions about a text. In reading we had to predict what would happen after or in the future. We had to predict the book picking up Puha. we all had to do his activity by our self. we had to type down what we think this book was a narrative or recount etc. We all had to do the same book. We all had to predict four times and then type a sentence that we think that might be in the book Picking up Puha.
Addition & Subtraction
L.I.Addition and subtraction are inversely related. For math I had to fix math problems. I had done this by my self and we get the problems from the board that my teacher wrote. we all had to do four problems then we had to write down the strategies. We all had to do addition and subtraction. We all had a choice of doing it on slides or google drawing. As you can see i have done slides. After we to do the opposite of the subtraction as shown on slides.
Friday, 9 March 2018
Pop Art
LI to use different techniques to create a visual art piece. On Monday we did art and we had to make a painting of our self. As shown on photo I have made a art work of my self. I was so proud when I finished it, but between all of it, it was hard because there was so much to do: Photos, outlining, and the rest but the only thing that was hard was the transferring it on to another paper, because when you are doing the transferring you'll have to make sure that you have drawn on the lines that you would of done at the start.
Thursday, 8 March 2018
Prior Knowledge
L.I: to activate prior knowledge about a topic before reading. In reading we learning about census day, but some people all ready knew about it and what it is. We had to this on a google draw and write down question and put them in to boxes that had right there, think and search, author and me, and on my own. After we finished it we had to asked each other the question and the person have to say right there and the rest, but noone asked others.
Number nearest to ten
L.I. to add on number to the nearest ten. In math I was told to add numbers to the answer. I was doing this alone. I had question that started easy to hard but it wasn't hard. I was told that I can do the thous-eds if I wanted to and I did. I did adding from ones, tens, hundreds, and thous-eds. I learnt this by counting up when adding the numbers up.
Andy Warhol DLO
LI to use different techniques to create a visual art piece. In inquiry we did pop art (which means popular art). I did this in a group of three. We first looked for information to put down and design after. our teacher put a link to a site about Andy Warhol to help us along the way. Soon we all found some information then put it on a text box. After we all were designing the background, title, photo, and text box.
kiwi sport
Today we did kiwi sport and we were learning how to pitch. We all played quick game it was when you'll be in teams and you and your team will have to run on to the bases then run back to the base home. Only one person runs at a time. After we were doing our pitching. then we all played a competition to see who can do more throws. soon we were taught a tech nec when you do an L then into a k then rock star throw. After we were finished we left.
Wednesday, 7 March 2018
Kiwi Can
In kiwi can we sat and started the energizer. The energizer is called hammer. In this game you'll need a partner to play. Then you stack your hands on each other like the photo below. I had been out twice because my partner played this before. After we sat down and learnt about leadership. we talked about how we could lead and how good leader are and bad ones. Next we did our activity (we were not told what the game was called). it is when your bin a group and stand in a line and face the opposite of the leader and then the leader choose's a action then taps the next person in front of them and show them the move so it gos to the end. Soon we sat down and did the GKQ. then we walked to class.
Kiwi can
Friday, 2 March 2018
I learnt how to make a smart comment and not to cyber bully. How learnt by using help. I also learnt that when commenting be nice about what you are going to say.
Writing Problems
L.I. To sequence and group ideas accurately. in writing i me and two other had to fix this writing from two years ago. we had to fix it as a team then find out the real answer with the teacher. there were three messed up recounts that all of Mr O's group. I did recount three. then the others did recount two and one. it was kind of hard because it was about floods in Pakistan.
Whats in a blog post?
in a blog post you need what you learnt, how you learnt, labels, and a DLO. A DLO is a google drawing or something that you did work on and it is called a digital learning object. The labels are what topic you are doing like reading then you put reading in the labels place. what you learnt is what you did like saying that to learnt how t write or something like that. How you did it is like the same as what you learnt but you tell how you learnt how to write, and most of all you will need a TITLE because you will know what it is.
Cyber Smart
Keyboarding drills
Keyboarding Drills Level 1
Copy each row of letters on the row below. Use the correct fingers.
asdf gh jkl;’ asdf gh jkl;’ asdf gh jkl;’
asdf gh jkl;’ asdf gh jkl;’ asdf gh jkl;’
fa fs fd ff fg j’ j; jl jk jj jh da ds dd df dg k’ k; kl kk kj kh
fa fs fd ff fg j’ j; jl jk jj jh da ds dd df dg k’ k; kl kk kj kh
sa ss sd sf sg l’ l; ll lk lj lh aa as ad af ag j’ j; jl jk jj jh
sa ss sd sf sg l’ l; ll lk lj lh aa as ad af ag j’ j; jl jk jj jh
ask dad slash glad fall sasha lash salsa shall jag haha lag
flask dahl gaga salads ashfall laksa khaf gall lall shad flags
ask dad slash glad fall sasha lash salsa shall jag haha lag
flask dahl gaga salads ashfall laksa khaf gall lall shad flags
Ask Dad Slash Glad Fall Sasha Lash Salsa Shall Jag Haha Lag
Flask Dahl Hall Salads Ashfall Laksa Khaf Gall Jaffa Flags
Ask Dad Slash Glad Fall Sasha Lash Salsa Shall Jag Haha Lag
Flask Dahl Hall Salads Ashfall Laksa Khaf Gall Jaffa Flags
Keyboarding drills
Kiwi Sport
For kiwi sport we played softball and we learnt how to bat. our coach was Ashley and she was the person that taught us how to bat. then we played softball. there were fielders and batters. some of the batters had bat far away that we had to run all the way to the ball. the fielders and no gloves and had to catch the ball with bare hands. I was in the fielders first then I was in the batters. we all had a turn batting and fielding. we learnt that you have to aline your little knuckles and make sure your elbow.
Maths Strategies
L.I. to learn how to state what we have learnt. In math I had to do strategies and state what I have picked and state what I had done. I did place value, number line, and plus's. I have said what some blocks are in the DLO. I have learnt strategies to get answers faster then ever, it will help on and on if I cant answer the math problem.
QAR Questions
LI: to monitor understanding of a text by using Question Answer Relationship (QAR). In reading we had to write down and put circle where we think was right. I had learnt that QAR can help with answering questions that you think are wrong or you don't know. We had to do two DLO's. I think that I had got some right because I have read the text on top of the the questions.
Thursday, 1 March 2018
Winter Olympics
L.I. to compare the winter Olympics. Today Me and my partner made an DLO to compare the winter Olympics to PBS. We had to compare the Olympic motto to the PBS motto. Next we compared the Olympic creed to the PBS Whakatauki. Next we had to compare the PBS logo to the Olympic flag. The last thing we had to compare was the PBS values and the Olympic values. I did all the PBS stuff and my partner Chris did all the Olympic stuff.
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